The Colombia Bombshell You Have To Meet!


The Colombian Cymbidium Orchids!

Cymbidium Orchids are the most sought after orchids in the market thanks to their unparalleled beauty and sensuality.
Looking to add an elegance touch to your designs? This beauties highlight the elegance in all its splendor. 
Also, these blooms are a perfect choice as the center focus of your arrangement, adding a fluffy, draping look.

The season just started!
Some facts:

  • Ideal weather conditions coupled with the expertise of our local growers makes the Colombian Andes at 1000 to 3000 mts above sea level, one of the best places to grow cymbidiums.

  • Availability: September to May: Cymbidium Orchids are produced during winter and early spring. New growth begins shortly after flowering finishes in the early spring and continues to September.

Awesome colors!

Many colors available, from bright to pastel colors. Each color has different shapes but similar flower sizes. Here are some of them but there are more than 6 colors!

How to care for your Cymbidium

Water Requirements

 A Cymbidium orchid should be watered in the morning using tepid water.Watering frequency โ€“ as covered in this article about watering orchids โ€“ can be determined by a few different things. You will want to water more frequently during the warmer months.

Light Requirements

Cymbidiums need a medium to bright light intensity to thrive. Too much light will cause the leaves to become yellow, and too little light will cause the leaves to become a very dark green color.The best place to grow your Cymbidium orchid indoors in on an east-facing windowsill.And that about covers the basics! Stay connected for more tips!

Want to ask her on a date? She is gorgeous, nice...
And the prices are very friendly!

Pronto Farms