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What Does it Mean to Be Proud of Our Lands?

Curating flowers isn't just about assuring each petal is top quality. Curation is about ensuring every piece of the puzzle is quality assured.

We have to guarantee the soil where they grow is a premier land too, we have to ensure that the hands that grow our flowers are passionate about this business.

Our Roses and Sunflowers grow at the foothill of The Cotopaxi and Cayambe Volcanoes where temperature, luminosity, and soil conditions are optimal for unmatched quality.

We curate the fertile lands in the hills of Colombia where some of the strongest and durable Hydrangeas harvest.

And we make sure to team up with quality farms in Central America, Holland, South Africa, Thailand, and Florida (USA)

When you ask yourself about curation, this is what curating our lands is about: our unmatched attention to every detail in the process.